Part 70: Update LXVII - Featuring: Parties
Update LXVII - Featuring: Parties
Music: Tokyo - Cascading Ordeals
You know what a really weird thing about Spectus' spot is?
There's a dragon that patrols through the room about five feet away from him.
Also Criminal Dragons are just out in the field, but that's just VFD in general.
There's that door downstairs.
There is basically nothing down this side.
No chests or anything, this entire detour was just to kill a single dragon.
Now heading west of Spectus' room.
Ruins Enthusiast: Aren't ruins incredible? Are you here to observe them as well?
And the civilian right next to it.
And finally the bottom left corner.
Tatsuya: But, ah! I can go home now! Thank you, benevolent game gods!
And now we can finally leave 4F.
Just one more flight of stairs and...
...We're done!
Oh yeah, and the tower still goes into space.
How convenient that every shot of the Tokyo skyline we've seen just so happens to point away from it.
Want to know about why this thing is here? Tough shit, go play the JP exclusive games.
Music: UE77 Tokyo
And unlike the Underground that made us go back there multiple times, we're already done with the Vermilion Tower!
Also everywhere but Nodens is locked out to force us to talk to Yoritomo.
Music: The Daily Grind
You obtained 8,000 Az!
You obtained Stop Cut x1.

I must return to ISDF HQ. Yuma has been acting very strange of late. I'm... worried about him.


Could you come to the Rest Floor? *giggle* I'll be waiting!
And that's our final quest of the day.
And now that we have a full dungeon worth of SP, Vivian can finally grab her EX Skill.
Music: Battlefield - UE77
Solid Stance turn 1.
Exhaust for priority.
A turn of setup plus EX and it still doesn't come close to GEORGE!.
Music: The Daily Grind
And since we got all cats we can go grab Aria's EX skill and finish the set.
Meow-nager Ai: That's it for the cat signals out in the dungeons! Thanks fur your help! This is a final thank you gift. Please keep fighting fur every purrson and cat in this world!
You obtained Sleep Cut x1.
That's nice, Ai, but there's like... 9 things left that can inflict Sleep, and most of those are post-game.
The Fortuner EX scene hijacks whatever food you use, so using Fancy Cat Food is a waste.
Each cut plays multiple cat sounds, naturally.
System Message: Your staring contest with the cats has formed within you the idea of a wonderful new skill!
And that's all 9 EX Skills mastered!
But here's something strange:
See, in the 2020s you would get a reward for getting every EX Skill, which requires you to start up an entirely new party and grind them up to the level prereq the hard way, with no dragons or bosses for large boosts of XP.
VFD is the only game in the series that allows you to get every EX Skill without it being a complete pain in the ass, yet-
They completely removed it. You get nothing for unlocking every EX Skill.
Alright, let's go see what Mio wants.
We need to specifically go to the Common Room, which I think is the first time it's been mentioned... ever really.
Music: A Place to Come Home

I was getting tired of waiting~.

Do not just stand there, Unit 13. Come, sit!

I-I, um... I thought today we should have a party with everyone!

I am honored that you invited me to such a luxurious banquet, Ms. Mio.

O-Of course! It's nothing too special, but...

You guys are being way too serious. C'mon, this isn't some stuffy banquet. Loosen up!

Is that... so? I do not understand the proper extent of this so-called loosening up...

*giggle* Well, everything's ready, Opal!
Before we go to bed we have a small party to wind down before Chapter 6. How sweet.
As you might expect, we have to talk to everyone.

This tea stuff is delicious, but it's too damn hot. I have no idea how I'm supposed to drink it.

Eigur, I have heard that spinning your glass before consuming the tea will help cool it down. That is the tradition here. Like so...

A-Am I doing it right?

M-Mr. Eigur! Don't spin it so vigorously! Your tea is spilling all over the place~!

S-Sorry about that.

Hm? Are the two of you sensitive to heat?

What do you mean...?

Come to think of it, Ms. Nagiri has the same problem~. Maybe it's common among the Lucier~?

Food seems to taste better when in the presence of others.

Man, I'm feeling totally refreshed now~.

Oh-hoh... That is an incredible feat, Lady Mio!

You created this delicacy? It is as though you are a Royal Pastry Chef, Ms. Mio...!

*giggle* Th-Thanks... There's a lot more, so eat up!
Oh shit, it's Nagiri! She's actually up and about!
She's only been in bed since Chapter 4, after all!

Nagiri! How do you feel?

I'm doing a bit better today. I'm going to be late for my check-up, but I want to stay and see everyone for a little while.

Sheesh, you should've said so earlier~! Let's get started~!

Hahaha! You may sit over here, Nagiri! The apple pie Lady Mio made is truly superb!

*chuckle* How exciting.
Now that Nagiri's here there's a new set of cutscene chats.

You imbecile! There is no choice but to finish them! You must do whatever it takes!

OK, OK! Sheesh~! I'll have them ready~!

Eigur! What have you done...!?

Don't act like you haven't been up doing suspicious stuff in the middle of the night!

I-I am making something for Unit 13...!

Did you make this, Mio?

*giggle* No, Blaster Raven gave me a coupon for it.

What is a coupon...?

Holy crap... She ate that whole pizza all by herself! It's hard to believe she's still injured.

Do not be rude, Eigur.

Oh... My bad, Nagiri.

*chuckle* It's not a problem.

The atmosphere here is so tranquil... It is as though our prior battles were but nightmares.

Yeah... We've gotta figure out how to get pumped up for tomorrow, though. We need six True Dragon specimens to beat the 7th True Dragon, right? Wait... How many specimens do we have left now?

We also have one from the 5th True Dragon Fomalhaut from when it invaded Tokyo in 2021.

In Atlantis, we acquired the specimen from... the 3rd True Dragon Nyala...

And from Eden, the 6th True Dragon, Haze, and...

The 4th True Dragon Hypnos.



I believe Ms. Allie and Mr. Julietta are already preparing for that one~.

I see... We're so close! We need to prepare well for the next True Dragon!

Indeed, we must!
And then there's another scene for Nagiri.

Once it is finished... I hope you will accept it.


Their technique is truly impressive...
Seeing every scene automatically starts this.


Hey, there's something I need to talk to you about. Could you slip out and meet me on the terrace? I'll be right there.

Music: Re:Vanishment (code:VFD Ver)
It's all thanks to you, Mio.
That's the most fun I've ever had!

Mhm! I'm so happy to see everyone else having a good time!

Even though we were all born in different time periods, I feel like we have a really strong bond.

And, I want this time of peace and happiness to never end... Hey, Opal... I've decided. I'm going to take the serum. I'm going to give it my all for my friends... and the world that they love. And... so I can help you until the very end, Opal. This is a promise to myself... I won't complain anymore. I won't run away.
Let's fight, together.

Thank you... You're right, Opal.
You can do it.

Thank you for believing in me, Opal.

We won't lose to these dragons. We'll all fight, side by side, until we win. Um, Opal... Do you think you could stay here while I take the medicine?


Thank you... It'd be a little scary to do it all by myself...

*giggle* I guess I won't know right away. I'm not worried, though! My grandpa made it!


Opal... I promise, I'll be there beside you until my dying breath...! *giggle* Well, I'm going to head back in now. There's still so much to talk about!
And with that, the day automatically comes to an end.
Next time: Believe it or not, straight to sidequests.